Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 2

I finally had a chance to sit down tonight and get togethers tomorrows grocery list.  While we didn't starve this week, last weeks shopping was definately different.  I thought I had bread in the freezer, only to find out a few days later I didn't.  I forgot to pick up snack cakes and my youngest decided not to bake this week...and really, when did she have time!  We had a busy week.  So making sure I have a more inclusive grocery list this week.

It looks like for me the best deals are going to come from Meijer this week.  The deal of the week is Quaker Cereal at Krogers for $1.88 a box.  My daughters have said they will eat cereal for breakfast, just not Chocolate Cheerios (what's wrong with them!?)  So, cereal is one of my stock up items this week, the sweeter the better.  -sorry Michelle.

Meijer also has Campbell cream of soups at a special price with coupon from last week for .40 off any 3 cans, I am adding 6 cans to my stock up for .48 each. 

Mountain Dew 2 ltrs are buy 10 for $10.  If you remember Friday's post, this is a huge deal in my house.  My husband really wants me to buy 10 bottles of Mt. Dew....we'll see.

With race season about over, cans of pop aren't going to be as important, but still nice to have around, again Meijer has the best deal on Pepsi cases 2 for $12.  $6.98 is about the best I've been seeing on that lately.

On the healthy food side, Aldi has baby carrots for .59, onions for .69 (mine just didn't grow very well this year), and brocolli for .99.  All can be frozen!  Cabbage is .89, during the summer Aldi had slaw dressing for .99 I managed to snag 2 bottles, so looks like slaw this week and some in the freezer.  (I will share any recipes anyone is interested in, just ask!)

Looks like dinner this week is going to include chicken, deer burgers- still trying to use up the deer from last year.  Acutally, I'd be happy to highlight anyone good at weekly menus.  We have our faves, but I love trying new easy meals. 
I did forget to pick up a paper last Saturday, that means I was going to go another week without coupons.  Fortunatly, we got a freebie paper with the Smart Source (SS) coupons and several circulars including, Meijer, Kroger and stores! Note to self....subscribe to Saturday paper!

I also put off getting ink for my printer with the thought that I would purchase a cheap printer for the family pc instead.  The printer I wanted went on clearence at Walmart and I missed out...of course I did since I don't make special trips into town! However, with I have a nice stash of coupons started - all coupons for items we do use.


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